
WELCOME TO Creation's Witness. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to recognise that the Word of God in His Holy Bible, is the inerrant truth in every way. He is the Creator of all existence. He created the heavens and the earth. He created mankind in His image and personally gave us the breath of life-our soul -that enables us to have a personal relationship with Him through our Lord and Saviour-Jesus Christ.

This website is an exploration of Romans 1:20:-
‘For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities-His eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.’

This website has been based mainly as a photographic exercise, in which to explore the visible -now fallen creation- in which we live. We can explore how it can be a signpost pointing to the Tri-une God and to the Cross at Calvary. Here Christ paid the ultimate price to open the door of Salvation and Reconciliation to us.

Some Bible studies looking at issues concerning the sovereignty of Christ over all creation will be added, although there are a number of extremely good websites of creationist organisations that provide excellent in depth studies from a biblical and scientific perspective , which are far greater than this humble website.

I hope you enjoy browsing through this site and that you will be encouraged in your own walk with Christ.

Photos page 3 (click to enlarge)

As technology progresses we are seeing more of biomimetics-the copying of designs from God's created world. The optimum design of birds are largely responsible for the development of aircraft. Of course, this necessitates the acknowledgement of a master designer. Our Creator God to whom we are all acountable.

A true story- this swan had been sitting on her nest for a few weeks. She was attacked and mauled after some one had set his dog on her. The swan was injured, and the eggs were left to get cold. The male returned but would not attend to them. Eventually the mother returned and sat on the nest. We prayed for God to take control, for He has total authority and through the Cross of Jesus we have access to His Throne. The swan lived and all but two chicks hatched and grew strong. Such is the compassion of God who cares for all that He has made. A reminder too, of how much more He cares for you-made in His image- for Christ took the punishment for your sin, so that you can be reconciled to Him.

Love can never be a product of evolution. It originates with God who 'so loved the world He gave His only Son' Birds demonstrate that love. Coots tirelessly search for food for their young, are vigilant in protecting them and keeping them safe from danger. They teach them the life skills needed to survive according to their kind. They exercise'tough love' so that they learn well. From them we are reminded that the Word of God is given to us for our benefit and He is the One who teaches us, provides for us and protects us.

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