
WELCOME TO Creation's Witness. My prayer is that you will be encouraged to recognise that the Word of God in His Holy Bible, is the inerrant truth in every way. He is the Creator of all existence. He created the heavens and the earth. He created mankind in His image and personally gave us the breath of life-our soul -that enables us to have a personal relationship with Him through our Lord and Saviour-Jesus Christ.

This website is an exploration of Romans 1:20:-
‘For since the creation of the world, God’s invisible qualities-His eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse.’

This website has been based mainly as a photographic exercise, in which to explore the visible -now fallen creation- in which we live. We can explore how it can be a signpost pointing to the Tri-une God and to the Cross at Calvary. Here Christ paid the ultimate price to open the door of Salvation and Reconciliation to us.

Some Bible studies looking at issues concerning the sovereignty of Christ over all creation will be added, although there are a number of extremely good websites of creationist organisations that provide excellent in depth studies from a biblical and scientific perspective , which are far greater than this humble website.

I hope you enjoy browsing through this site and that you will be encouraged in your own walk with Christ.

Why do animals suffer?

A lot of people find it hard to equate a loving, kind and compassionate God with the cruelty and suffering that is rampant on this planet. What is seen appears contradictory to what we are told in many churches of various denominations. God IS all the above and more. He is also righteous and just, and that is sometimes painful. Read on.....

God has a purpose for all that He has made. He is Holy, perfect in every way. The author of all life. This is something every Christian will eagerly affirm. How then, can Christianity attribute the cruelty of animals to a loving and merciful God? Is it that God only loves Mankind but is oblivious to all else? Does this conform to Holiness?

Of course, the answer is no. He is also a righteous God. We live in a fallen world that is a consequence of sin.

The animal kingdom of the land was created on the sixth day of Creation whereas sea creatures and birds were created on the fifth day. God saw that it was good. He was pleased with it and it was exactly what He wanted. It was perfect. There was no predator/prey relationship. All were called to live according to their kind.

He also created Mankind on the sixth day. The pinnacle of Creation. He made Man in His image. In the image of God, mankind was commanded to rule over* the perfect world that He had called into being and to tend and keep the Garden of Eden.( Genesis 2:15 NKJV.) In naming the animals. Adam would have needed to observe the behaviour and characteristics of each kind of animal in order to give them an appropriate name.

(*That implies ruling with the characteristics of God. In doing this, God is honoured, obeyed and glorified.)

Mankind delighted in what had been given to them. Most of all enjoying His Presence and fellowship. Notice again that God saw that it was good. This contradicts the theory of evolution and the compromise of theistic evolution, for it would not have been good.

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